In Zibbhebu  's collection
Luca Vannini, Germano Bonazzi, Sexy party con morto - Fox n°7, planche 37, Edifumetto - Comic Strip

Sexy party con morto - Fox n°7, planche 37, Edifumetto

Comic Strip
Couverture du magazine


L'incertitude plane quant au dessinateur de cette série, puisque selon les sources elle est attribuée soit à Luca Vannini soit à Germano Bonazzi.

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About Luca Vannini

In the mid-1980s, Luca Vannini started working for Skorpio. He was part of the group of Roman authors who joined under the aegis of Giuseppe Ferrandino in 1992. In 1998, he started illustrating the series 'Julia'. After that, he created 'Tu Che M'Hai Preso Il Cuor'.